The Paw Report
Indiana Skunk Rescue and Therapy Skunks
Season 13 Episode 13 | 28m 14sVideo has Closed Captions
Julie McLaughlin and Heather Blaney share their love and knowledge of skunks.
Season 13 of The Paw Report ends with a sixth and final on-location episode at the Indiana Skunk Rescue near North Salem, Indiana. Guests Julie McLaughlin and Heather Blaney share their love and knowledge of skunks.
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The Paw Report is a local public television program presented by WEIU
The Paw Report
Indiana Skunk Rescue and Therapy Skunks
Season 13 Episode 13 | 28m 14sVideo has Closed Captions
Season 13 of The Paw Report ends with a sixth and final on-location episode at the Indiana Skunk Rescue near North Salem, Indiana. Guests Julie McLaughlin and Heather Blaney share their love and knowledge of skunks.
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Providing Support for
Learn Moreabout PBS online sponsorshipWe pack up the gear and we head to Indiana for# this episode of The Paw Report.
They are often## misunderstood, but skunks are gentle and can# be great pets and support animals.
Coming up,## we'll learn more about this black and white# critter with an infamous and pungent defense## mechanism.
Stay with us.
[music playing] # Rameen: The Paw Report on WEIU is supported by Rural King,## America's farm and home store, livestock feed,# farm equipment, pet supplies and more.
You## can find your store and more information# regarding Rural King at
Rob: Dave's Decorating Center is a proud supporter## of The Paw Report on WEIU.
Dave's Decorating# Center features the Mohawk Smartstrand Silk## Forever Clean carpet.
Dave's Decorating Center,# authorized Mohawk color center in Charleston.
Kelly: Do we have a surprise for## our Paw Report viewers on this beautiful day# that we're recording the Indiana Skunk Rescue Organization, and our# special guests today are Julie McLaughlin and## Heather Blaney.
And they have brought with them# some, yes, they have on their laps and cuddling## and loving some precious skunks.
Thank you so# much for joining us.
You guys light up when## we talk about skunks.
Skunk are all around us.
Julie and Heather, thank you so much for joining## us.
You know your first time guests on The Paw# Report.
I'm so glad that I found information## on your organization and you featured on another# news outlet story, but we always put our guests## on the spot when we have new guests to the show.# So you're going to introduce yourselves.
So Julie,## I'll start with you.
Julie: # Hi, I'm Julie McLaug 2017.
I got all my licenses and permits by# 2018.
I'm the only skunk rescue known in the## United States that helps both domestic and wild# skunks and I absolutely love it.
I didn't think## that there would be much need to help wilds.# I just don't hear about it.
I mean, how often## do you hear of a wild skunk needing help?
But I# help over a hundred domestics a year and over a## hundred wilds a year.
Right now in my house I# have 64 wild baby skunks that were orphaned.
Kelly: Wow.
That is a job.
# Julie: Yes.
# you have another story too.
So He ather: My name is Heather Blaney.
I work at Knox## County Central Dispatch.
I'm a 91 now.
And we actually got our domestic skunks# from Julie and we've reached out to her and get## the information that we need and we use Nugget# for a lot of our educational things with 911.## So he comes with us and draws people in and then# we tell them what they need to know about 911.
Kelly: Sure.
Skunks get a bad rap,## obviously.
Myself included, our crew when# we were driv "Are we going to get sprayed?"
I said, "No, we're# not going to get sprayed."
So actually, obviously,## with Heather holding Nugget there, they make good# pets.
They are good social animals.
They're just## all around neat little critters.
Julie: # They are.
Kelly: # Ye Heather: There's something## special about when a skunk co mes home and they're excited to see you and it's# just like an automatic given that the dog's going## to love you as its person, but if a skunk accepts# you as its person, it's just a uniq I don't know how to explain it.
I really don't,# but I know you know what I'm talking about.
Julie: Yeah.
Skunks bond with one person and## that's their person.
That's who they love, that's# who they go to.
And then they tolerate everybody## else.
Sometimes they'll bond with two people,# but usually it's one person, and like she said,## that is their person, their life, and it's nice.# They don't smell, the domesticated ones.
They're## de-scented.
They're like a mixture between a cat,# a dog, and a ferret all rolled into one.
They're## very intelligent.
They use a litter box.
Kelly: # They can be trained.
Julie: # Yes.
a lot of time with Nugget and your other# skunks.
Nugget is just active today.
Heather: He doesn't usually do this.
Yeah,## he's like, this is awesome though.
Ke But you have firsthand knowledge of# Nugget b other skunks that you have at home, you# kind of rotate them.
What's that like?
Heather: It just honestly depends on the## personality of the skunk.
We have several a that does the best out in certain situations.
We# just started taking him out when he was a baby and## getting him used to noises and getting him used to# people and crowds.
But we do have a couple of pet## skunks, domestic skunks, that aren't interested.# They're happy at home.
They don't want to be out## in public and they don't want to deal with other# people.
And so it does depend on the personality## of your skunk.
Kelly: # Now when you're at work, you or one of your other pets, can be calming,# not just to you but your coworkers.
Julie: Isn't he calming right now?
# Heather: Yeah, I know.
So at work that's kind of a safe place, but he's got a bed# and he just lays in our lap and he's definitely## laid in my lap while I was giving CPR instructions# to somebody.
And then right after we ended that## call, I just held him up and held him.
I promise# at work, he is just weighted blanket.
He's not## moving around like this.
Julie: # He's being good.
He's being r There's just a l Kelly: People need to understand what he does- # Heather: He's loving it.
# in 3000.
That's not a skunks to be able to go in and anybody can hold him,# anybody can love on him, he can go everywhere.## That is one out of thousands because they're# afraid of people.
They bond with the one person## and they don't want everybody else messing# with them.
So he is absolutely exceptional.
Heather: Yeah, his personality.
# have pet s we've traveled from Illinois, but there# are different rules in different states.
Julie: Yes.
# Kelly: I mean you've got permit Yeah, I'm USDA 501C3.
I have every permit and# license that the state of Indiana of able to do this.
I have seven or eight altogether,# and it depends on your state.
In Indiana,## we can pretty much own anything that we want# to in Indiana with the proper permitting from## our DNR.
In Michigan, you can have a skunk, but# you can only have it in Michigan.
You can' a skunk from me and take it into Michigan.
It# has to be purchased in Michigan.
In Illinois,## you're not allowed to have a skunk.
I'm going# states around.
Missouri, you cannot have a skunk.## Ohio, you can have a skunk and you can import.# Pennsylvania, you can have a skunk but not import.## It has to be purchased within the state.
So you# just need to go on your DNR website or Fish and## Wildlife and find out what animals you are allowed# to own in your state and what licenses and permits## you need to obtain them.
Kelly: # I'm curious, there's so many characteri talk about that.
We've gotten a little# sampling in Nugget, just on a good day.
Julie: He's happy.
# Kelly: special needs?
They've got interesting claws.
Do# they dig?
Can you train them?
An ybody out there that knows nothing about skunks# and maybe they're learning something from this## episode and may consider bringing one into their# home.
What's all the things that we should know## about their characteristics?
Julie: # I'll let Heather answer that.
And what I'll# say, I have worked really,# really hard to try to make sure that any## question you possibly could have would be# answered on there, if you like to read,## and just go through the pages.
Heather: # Well, I can only speak from my experience# and Julie definitely outside.
For me, ours aren't destructive at# our house.
They don't tear any of our walls.
Julie: I've never had a destructive## one either.
Ye ah because they do like to get into cabinets and# push everything out and make a nest.
We do## have different places set up throughout our house# where they can nest.
I don't have small children,## so I have a lot of people that'll ask if they're# good with children, and I always just refer them## to Julie.
I don't have experience with that.
I# can't answer that.
I don Kelly: Now.
They can smell really well, but their## eyesight's not so great.
Is that accurate?
Julie: # That's true, yes.
They can smell, they go by scent# an eyesight.
So that's when you walk up to a skunk,# if you see a wild skunk, and just make a noise and## let it know that you're there.
A skunk, I promise# you, there could be 20 wild ones right there on## that patio.
They're not going to come anywhere# near us.
All they're doing is hunting for food.## Make a noise, let them know that you're there and# just keep on walking, mind your own business and## they'll mind their own business.
All they're# trying to do is eat.
One will never run across## someplace and spray you.
They don't even see you.
Kelly: # Well, you mentioned noises too, and they make# some pretty interesting sounds.
A dog obviou barks.
It can be ruff, ruff, or it can be a high# pitched.
But they also have some pretty unique## noises, too.
Julie: # Yes.
They kind of squeak they get super upset, that's when you know right# before you're going to get sprayed, you're going## to hear that sound.
Kind of sounds like a cat# hissing but what they're doing is they're blowing## out their nose.
What other sounds do you?
Heather: # Our girl Popple screams.
Julie: # Oh yeah, Popple screams, too.
Heather: # Yeah.
So it' us and she's just such a introverted skunk and all# of a sudden I just hear screaming and I go running## into where they were and she was yelling at our# albino one to get off the wheel and she was just## sitting there screaming at him.
Kelly: # Oh, she wanted [inaudible].
Heather: # Well, they know ho Yes, they do.
Heather: # off of the wheel.
Kelly: # What shouldn't you Julie: In the wild,## they say be the average for domestics that I've seen.
Kelly: # What about healthcare?
Do you have to seek out?
Julie: # Yeah, they have to go to the vet every year.# That's part of having your permit.
And th vaccines just like dogs and cats do.
There are# rabies, distemper, parvo, all of that.
They get## wormed and everything just like a dog or a cat.
Kelly: # Is it hard to find a vet that will?
Julie: # It's extremely hard to find a vet that will, have an exotic license in order to be able to see# exotic animals.
Most veterinarians don't want to## mess with any exotics, not just the skunks, but# foxes, raccoons, ferrets, I mean any of them.## And then skunks are considered a rabies vector# species.
So that means if they bite or scratch## they're supposed to die, even if they've been# vaccinated for rabies.
So it's just hard to find## a veterinarian that will see them.
Kelly: # You walk anywhere on this property and there's# some sighting of a skunk, li Julie: Yes.
# Kelly: Wh start the Indiana Skunk Rescue Organization?
Julie: I had wanted a skunk since I was a child,## and I don't remember where it came from.
I know I# seen one I had miniature bull terriers and I used to show# them and was really heavy in the miniature bull## terriers.
There is no way any terrier is going# to tolerate a skunk because when skunks play,## they puff all up and put their tail up and stomp# and stomp and stomp.
The majority of terriers,## I know mine would have, they would just snatch# that skunk up and that'd be the end of the skunk.
So when my last terrier passed away, I got a# domesticated pet skunk, it's Flower.
I still## have him.
And he was blind.
Didn't really know# what was wrong with him because I had never had a## skunk before.
I just knew this couldn't be right.# There's no possible way this skunk is not behaving## correctly.
Took him to the vet, he is blind.
There# wasn't really any help.
You could ask online, but## there wasn't much help.
So I started the rescue# and then I thought if I'm going to do domestics,## I don't hear of very many wild skunks needing# help, I might as well do them also.
And oh boy,## I was late today because of all the# runs and all the phone calls for wild## skunks.
Wild skunks need a lot of help.# I have over 60 in the house right now.
Kelly: We have one that you're holding.
# Julie: Yeah, I have one that I'm## holdin Domestic.
Julie: # I have three mot that will be bringing them to me when# they're old enough to go to the outdoor## enclosures.
By the time the year is over# with, this year I look to Kelly: I think you## dropped a number early in our discussion,# ho w many do you think you've helped?# We have one here, but hundreds.
# Julie: She has seven or eight.
From me.
# Heather: I have seven.
# Julie: No, be Heather, this one.
I do.
I feel bad.
I do,# but she's a super good hom Kelly: You know that they're being taken care.
# Juli this one out because oh my goodness, I had these turned in and they're# 10 and 11 years old and there's three of them,## and then two hours later, Heather and Ryan pull# in the driveway.
So I have slammed them and I## so appreciate them so much because a lot of the# ones that I give them, I wouldn't be able to adopt## them out to anybody else.
And they're a super# good home, and so now they have seven of them.
Heather: Yeah.
# you think that you've helped?
Julie: I would say close to 700 domestics# and close to 1,000 wilds.
# Kelly: Do people get you when## you say my passion is skunks?
Julie: No .
Kelly: # Julie: Yeah,## Kelly: Well, I don't think you're crazy.
# Julie: So they don' there's so many misconceptions about skunks.# They think that if it sprays you.
And that's not true.
Not at all.# It takes a lot to get a skunk to spray.
Right,## Heather?
Kelly: # She's not going to share that story.
So how# do you come in c general public?
I live out in the country# and if I find baby skunks and I'm like,## I don't know what to do with them, I would# call you.
Or how do you get all of them?
Julie: Unfortunately,## every litter of wild babies that there's 20 out with other people, some permitees,# other rehabilitators that don't have enclosures## for when they get older, that will be bringing# them here to put in my outdoor enclosures and## then I'll finish them out and release them.# All but two litters is over people's chickens.
Because what happens is they love eggs.
They# absolutely love eggs.
There's exceptions to## every single rule.
There always is.
But 99%# of the time, a skunk is not going to harm your## chicken.
It's not going to happen.
What they# do is a raccoon or a mink get the chickens,## a possum gets the chickens, and then this slow,# blind skunk comes along and starts eating the## chicken.
It gets caught eating the aftermath and# they pay the price for something they didn't even## commit.
Other than they will get in and get# your eggs, all day long they'll get your eggs,## but they're not chicken and duck killers.
So 90% of the time they kill the mother## because they think she's hurting their# chickens, or anything else on their property,## or out of fear.
She was underneath the deck, I'm# afraid my dog's going to get sprayed.
I can't have## my grandkids over because it's going to run out# and spray.
No, she won't.
She won't.
But they## kill her and then a few days later the babies are# starving to death, so they start coming out and## they don't have the heart to kill the babies.
So# then they bring them to me or I go catch them.
Kelly: They call you.
# Julie: Yeah.
The mom gets hit in the road.
I have a lady, she# has no idea how the mom died and I educated her.
She had a mom and eight# babies.
She wanted them gone after we talked,## she was perfectly fine.
They were enjoying having# them there.
They would set their chairs out and## watch them come out and eat and everything.# Perfectly fine with it.
And then the mother## gets hit in the road, so she's trying to catch# those eight babies to bring them to me tonight.
Kelly: Another important person in your## organization is your granddaugh Yes.
Kelly: # Very much so.
Kelly: # picture now.
Introduce Charlotte.
Charlotte,# you got to come a little closer to you can get her- Julie: # Hear Yeah, there holding there.
Charlotte: # This is one of the domestic skun Kelly: Aw.
How important is Charlotte?## You're teaching her at a young age.
Julie: # Charlotte is the future of this rescue.
She's# the only one.
I only have out of my children, I have three children, two# grandchildren, nobody has any interest in the## rescue except her.
So she will be Indiana Skunk# Rescue when I pass away or retire.
It will go## all to her.
She's been helping me since she was# three years old, and she knows as much as I do,## it seems like.
And she absolutely loves it.
She's# super good at it.
She brought a little baby,## it may have been that one, that it's a# little eye, she needed to put eye medicine## in its little eye and she instantly knew# exactly what to do.
What medicine to get.
Kelly: Charlotte, what's it mean to you?## How come you like skunks so much?
Charlott Probably just because I was around them a lot# when I was littler.
And now that I like them a lot more.
Kelly: # And you're used to them?
Ch Yeah.
Kelly: Ye ah.
Kelly: # Excellent.
Tell your website.
So what are some things about these# cute animals that maybe most people don't know?
Julie: They're immune to venom.
# Kelly: Oh, interesting.
# Heather: No, no.
Would you me about city skunks in the country?
Julie: # I don't remember what I told you.
Heather: # We had firefighters where I work.
Oh, yes, okay.
Heather: # Yeah.
They wanted us t when it would come across the street with its# babies.
And they would go into the firehouse,## the fire department, and the battalion chief was# like, "Hey, Heather, we've got this skunk you guys take it and take it out to the country?
"# I said, "Well, let me call Julie."
And she said- Kelly: Everybody calls Julie, don't they?
# Julie: Yeah.
# "A city skunk will not survive me that because it's in the city, it's acclimated# to finding food pretty easily.
And if they're## hanging around, there's a food source.
And so I# went back and I told the battalion chief, "Hey,## this is what it is."
And I was like, "By the way,# if you just make noise, they won't do anything to## you."
And a few weeks later, the battalion chief# came into the dispatch center and was like, just## so you know, we all hang out outside now and watch# the mom and the baby and they just walk right past## us.
And I'm like, oh, good.
You guys don't run# in and hide now.
But I thought that was really## cool.
It's just something that never occurred# to me that a wild skunk wouldn't survive.
Julie: Yeah, because when you live in the city and they## do, they have them in downtown Indianapolis, I get# calls, and they' People set their trash out, people feed feral cats# and food is everywhere.
Like if you lived in the## city, there's a restaurant on every corner.
You# don't get delivery out here.
What are they going## to eat out here?
There's stuff out here to eat,# but it's not nearly like where they're used to and## they'll just starve to death and die.
Heather: # It was just something I never even Kelly: What else?
What other fun things?
# Julie: I'm usually never## caught off guard.
I can't even believe this.# Oh, this is fun.
Have you Kelly: Oh, you mean like when they spray?
# Julie: Uh-huh.
# if there's one that's been on the road that's# been hit, and there's the spray, unfortunate Julie: Okay.
With skunk spray,## it has to do with pheromones and how you perfume it.
Before COVID hit, we used to go out# and do a dollar donation for a pet, and you could## pet a skunk for a dollar donation and we would# talk about them and stuff, and they would ask me,## "Oh, I love the smell of skunk.
Can you make them# spray and bottle it and send it to me?
Or I'll## come get it, or I'll just come out to your house# and we'll make them spray."
Love the smell of it.
Kelly: That's crazy.
# it at all.
One could s the third is how I smell it, and it smells like# skunk.
It's horrible.
Absolutely awful smelling.
Kelly: No, I asked you.
It's actually## a spray.
It's not like- Julie: # It's a spray.
Kelly: # No , it is liquid.
Kelly: # It is li and they push and it comes out.
Now, one# thing that people say that upsets me because## it's just not true, I've watched these wild# skunks.
They say, "Oh, once a skunk sprays,## it cannot spray again for 7 to 10 days.
"# That's not necessarily true.
Skunks have## two scent glands and they determine by how# afraid they are, how much they're going to## spray.
So if you're just mildly aggravating# them and they go, they still have plenty of## spray left.
They can spray multiple times.
But# if an animal gets ahold of them, like a dog,## here we don't really have that many predators,# fox, coyote, or a dog, or a human, and they are## petrified and they release both scent glands,# then yes, it's going to take 7 to 10 days to get## it back.
But it has to be a death situation for# them to release everything on both scent glands.
Kelly: We have got, unfortunately about## 30 seconds left in our interview.
Quickly,# the three of you rea gives you the most joy about this critter?# What makes you the happiest about skunks?
Heather: The cuddles.
# Julie: at how lovey and sweet he is.
Kelly: # Charlotte?
Charlotte: # Probably the sam Yeah.
The loves.
Julie: # Yeah.
He's just been s Yeah, the whole time.
Julie: .. .
like Well, I can So we can close with you holding him.
Kelly: # Well Julie: Thank you.
# Heat Kelly: yo u guys are troopers.
We th you've been awesome.
And that wraps up this# edition of The Paw Report.
So from all of us## here in Indiana, west of Indianapolis, with# a couple of skunks and a couple of wonderful## ladies that take care of them, that wraps up# this episode of The Paw Report.
I'm your host,## Kelly Goodwin.
We'll see you next time.
Rob: # Dave's Decorating Center is a proud supporter# of The Paw Report on WEIU.
Dave's Decorating## Center features the Mohawk Smartstrand Silk# Forever Clean carpet.
Dave's Decorating Center,## authorized Mohawk color center in Charleston.
Rameen: # The Paw Report on WEIU is supported by Rural King,# America's farm and home store, livestock feed,## farm equipment, pet supplies and more.
You can# find your store and more information regarding## Rural King at
[music playing]
The Paw Report is a local public television program presented by WEIU