School Talk
Aidan Lowe
Season 2 Episode 4 | 16m 6sVideo has Closed Captions
In this segment, Brayden interviews classmate Aidan Lowe.
In this segment, Brayden interviews classmate Aidan Lowe.
School Talk is a local public television program presented by WEIU
School Talk
Aidan Lowe
Season 2 Episode 4 | 16m 6sVideo has Closed Captions
In this segment, Brayden interviews classmate Aidan Lowe.
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Learn Moreabout PBS online sponsorship[music playing] Rameen: Tomco Insurance Agency is a full service# insurance agency offering auto, home, farm,## toys, business, health, and life.
Tomco is# proud to support School Talk on WEIU.
More## information is available at 217-345-6750# or email
Tomco is an## independent, family owned operated# insurance agency in Charleston.
[music playing] Brayden: Hi, I'm Brayden Armstrong, host of School# Talk.
Today I'm here with Aidan Lowe.
So Aidan.. tell me a little bit about yourself.
Aidan: I'm a 7th grader at the Charleston Middle School.# I play football, do track, and I'm going through## school so I can become a CNA.
Brayden: Tell me a little bit about football.
Aidan: I played tight end, all the O-line positions# except for snap, all the D-line positions,## linebacker and they had me at# running back for a little bit.
Brayden: Quite a few positions## you got there.
Tell me a little bit about track# also, 'cause I know it's track.. Aidan: I usually play second with all of my stuff,## except for shot put.
Shot put's a little bit# harder, but it's also easy if you actually get## the gist of it.
Discus is easy, but at the same# time it could be hard.
Long jumps, besides discus,## it is a tie, it's one of my favorites.
It's# easy to do, but at the same time hard.
Brayden: So, I got another question for you here.## What has been your favorite school memory?
Aidan: It was in 5th grade.
We got out of school# so we could go to the St. Louis Zoo.
We## got there at 4:30, me and Cameron, and when we# got there we were waiting for an hour or two,## and Spanhook started yelling at us.
But then# when we got to the zoo, we watched a monkey## start throwing stuff at people.
Brayden: Why is that memorable to you?
Why do you like# that so much?
I understand why, but more please.
Aidan: I got to get out of school and## watch a monkey throw stuff at people.
Brayden: That's amazing.
Aidan: I know.
Brayden: That seemed pretty funny, just to# be there watchin.. Aidan: Yeah.
Brayden: My next qu.. you here is, what are your favorite school# subjects, an.. Aidan: My favorite## school subject would be scie.. a way to make stuff a little bit funner than it# usually is, but they can also really teach it.
Brayden: Tell me some things about how Mr. Kanouse## has made stuff fun for your learning.
Aidan: He can joke around whenever he's doing# stuff, and he actually helps explain## it whenever you don't get it, unlike# some teachers I've had in the past.
Brayden: Tell me a little bit how Mrs.## Lutz makes your learning fun also.
Aidan: She can also joke around, but when it comes# to getting down to business, she gets down## to business.
Brayden: How do you like the labs that you do?
Aidan: They're always fun, at least most of them.
I have# to think about this.
My favorite one so far has## been the marbles one we did today.
Brayden: Why was that your favorite?
Aidan: I don't know, just getting to# play with the marbles after.
Brayden: I got both of them teachers too.
I got to## say, the marbles was pretty fun today.
Do you feel# that our school is a good place to learn daily?
Aidan: I feel our school is a good place to learn daily.## We have teachers that strive to help our students# understand.
With Ms. Bickford, she actually tries## to help people become better people.
Brayden: Who are your teachers, besides the# ones you've mentioned, this year?
Aidan: I'm also in band and## choir.
My teacher for that is Wengerski, and Mr.# Mellott.
And M.. Brayden: So, you're in both choir and band.## Tell me a little bit about those.
Aidan: I've been in choirs on and off since I was six.# Band I joined in halfway through 5th grade 'cause## I thought it'd be a good fit for me.
Brayden: In band, what instrument do you play?
Aidan: I play the trumpet and the tuba.
Brayden: Tell me a little bit about playing trumpet, 'cause# I know you like to do that for quite a while.
Aidan: It's really hard to play,## especially with somebody with an underbite because# you have to get your lips in the right position## and blow.
It can always be hard to do that.
Brayden: Where did your interest in music start?
Aidan: I come from a German family, German natives.# That's mainly part of their culture,## music and all that.
Brayden: What do you like about playing tuba?
Aidan: It's way easier than trumpet.
Brayden: Tell me a little bit about it.
Aidan: The mouthpiece is way bigger so I don't have to# worry about getting my lips in the right position,## and you don't have to blow air as fast.
Brayden: Sounds much easier.
Going back to learning in a# fun environment, is it easier to learn when you're## in a fun environment?
Aidan: I feel it is easier to learn when you're in a# fun environment because it's more memorable to## you.
Learning is supposed to be something that# you could actually memorize, and not just forget## within three days.
Brayden: Do you get nervous at all when we have any tests# or quizzes?
If so, how would you cope with that,## help make yourself feel better about it?
Aidan: I used to.
But the day before, a little bit before# that, I'll start listening to music whenever I## can, and I'll get extra sleep.
Brayden: Yeah, extra sleep is always good for anything,# but especially tests and quizzes.
How do## you study for your test and quizzes if# you have any, and when you have them?
Aidan: I've always had a really good memory,## so I memorize the lessons.
Brayden: In that case, do you have a# set time to do your homework?
Aidan: I try my best to do it during## school whenever I can.
If I finish something in# social studies, I'll start working on some math## I'm missing, or something.
Brayden: Sounds pretty good to plan ahead, and just# not wait to do everything at home like some## people may do.
But it's pretty good going up to# college, if you may.
That would be pretty good,## 'cause I know you're going to have a lot# of work to do.
Do you participate in any## extracurricular activities at our school,# or just any activities outside of school?
Aidan: I used to## play tennis.
I play golf from.. Brayden: Is there any kind of fish that you like to eat,## or catch?
I love fishing too.
Aidan: My favorite is catfish.
Me and my uncle have# a recipe to make catfish, like chicken nuggets## pretty much, where you pretty much beer batter# it, and you add Frank's Red Hot sauce to it.
Brayden: That sounds delicious.
Tell me a little## bit about how you used to play tennis.
Aidan: I really don't remember a lot about it, but I was# actually good at it, placed really high whenever I## did that.
It's been a while.
Brayden: Sounds like you got a lot on your plate there,# but it still sounds pretty fun.
I got another## question for you here.
What is your favorite# lunch food or cafeteria food at our school?
Aidan: I would have to say either the## taco or the chicken patty.
Brayden: Why?
Aidan: Hard to explain.
Brayden: What are you feeling on the tater tots?
Aidan: Oh, them tater tots are good.
The# french fries though, it's always eh.
Brayden: I had to ask about the tater## tots in our previous interviews.
Everyone's had a# positive opinion on the tater tots, everyone has.
Aidan: What you do is, you leave the tater tots## in the container, and you pour your barbecue sauce# over it, and you shake it up.
Yeah, .. Brayden: Yeah, everybody loves the tater tots.
Adding## in with the tater tots, how is middle school# different from other schools you've attended,## like Jefferson?
Aidan: It is a lot different than Jefferson, and the# Christian school I came from.
You have a lot## more freedoms in the morning.
In Jefferson, if# you were to get caught with your phone on you,## you'd be close to suspended for it.# But, here it's not that strict.
Brayden: What has been your favorite part about## middle school this year, in 7th grade?
Aidan: Getting to go down to the weight# room is honestly really fun.
Brayden: Why is that fun for you, and why do you like it?
Aidan: Because I like to prove to myself that## I'm better than at least somebody, so I'll do the# dumb decision and push myself over what I should.
Brayden: So with a follow-up on the weights,## how much could you lift?
Aidan: Most I've done in deadlift was 205 pounds.
I've# squatted 150, and I've benched.. Brayden: Pretty impressive, I got to say.
I don't do much## of that at all.
Actually, I don't do it at all.
Aidan: It's something you really have to do if you're# going to play all those positions in football.
Brayden: Coming up here in about a year or two, we got high## school.
What are your feelings on that?
Are you# anxious, nervous?
What are your overall feelings?
Aidan: I've already been thinking about it.
I've## made a plan.
I want to take all the AP classes# I can so I can skip as much college .. because if I'm going for my CNA, I want to get# my RN.
So, that'd make it a lot easier to get## higher paying jobs.
Brayden: You got a pretty good plan, it seems like.# Tell me about higher you're paying jobs,## why you have an interest in just not going# to college, and just going to high school,## doing better classes to get a better job?
Aidan: The jobs I really want to do, like being an# RN, registered nurse, or a CNA, certified## nurse assistant, my mom does those jobs and# it's always been something I've liked doing,## helping people.
It is really fun to see# somebody's day be a little bit better.
Brayden: So you like helping people, I see?
Aidan: Yeah,## all the time.
It is .. went over to the nursing home to help over there.# Old lady, she's bedridden and all that, brought## her in her lunch and her face went from... We# used to see tears, to at least she was smiling.
Brayden: That's really nice.
I## know a few people like that, but you've really# outdone what most people are able to do, and## that's really nice of you to be able to do that.# Do you volunteer in anything else like that?
Aidan: No, not really.
I really just## try to help out whenever I can.
Brayden: What advice would you have for a younger# student starting at our middle school next year,## from either Jefferson or wherever?
Aidan: This is going to sound really rude-ish.
Don't# do dumb stuff, keep your planner with you at all## times, and don't get into fights.
Brayden: Why do you say keep your# planner at you at all times?
Aidan: If you don't have your planner on you,## I've seen people get...
Literally today, somebody# got a discipline referral because th.. it on them.
Brayden: Why is having your planner on you so important?
Ai.. That tells them where you are, when you've# been there.
They track how many positive## and negative punches you have, and it's like your# guidebook for pretty much all of middle school.
Brayden: Tell me a little bit about the## positive and negative punch system.
Aidan: The positive punch is if you do what# you're supposed to, or go above and beyond,## you get a positive punch.
But if you do something# bad, do something dumb, you get a negative punch.
Brayden: So I've noticed throughout## the whole interview you have your shirt on, and it# seems that you like gaming.
Tell me about that.
Aidan: I used to do tournaments in Fortnite,## and all that.
I do that.
I very rarely play games# anymore.
I've cut down on it a lot to at least try## to be a better athlete.
Brayden: So you seem to have a focus and a# plan on your future, don't you?
Aidan: Yeah, I've focused on## doing those things so I can get a scholarship# or something.
Because where I come from,## nobody's really rich or poor, it's just all meh.# My family fell on the lower side of the meh.
I## don't think, if I wouldn't get a scholarship,# I really wouldn't be able to go to college.
Brayden: That sounds pretty nice that you're## trying to focus on bettering your future.
My last# question f.. share about school, or just anything in general?
Aidan: Middle school is really fun so far, with all# the PE and all that.
Kinnas has been one of## my favorite teachers so far because he can joke# around with the students and towards the students,## but he also knows when to work and how to do it.
Brayden: Well, thank you for being here Aidan.
Thanks for# joining us on School Talk.
I'm Brayden Armstrong.## Thank you for watching.
Rameen: Tomco Insurance Agency is a full service insurance# agency offering auto, home, farm, toys, business,## health, and life.
Tomco is proud to support School# Talk on WEIU.
More information is available at## 217-345-6750 or email
Tomco# is an independent, family owned operated insurance## agency in Charleston.
[music playing]
School Talk is a local public television program presented by WEIU